The Personal Planets As They Relate To Gambling Addiction

It’s worth giving a little time to how we might develop planetary symbolism in relationship to a gambling problem.
Let us consider each planet in turn.

The Sun

Representing the ego and it’s needs; the Sun gives us some idea of how we wish to self actualise and grow. It has been said that we have to follow our Sun to be healthy.
But what does self actualisation and growth actually mean? Gambling often occurs when the player risks reliable methods (Saturn) and begins to rely on luck (Jupiter) for physical manifestation (Venus) of their desires (Venus). I think it is reasonable to imagine that the gambler is hijacked when instead of following the Sun’s path to self other planets become disruptive and cause trouble. When this happens we can assume that the other planets have become unruly and try to take control of the self actualising path of the Sun.
I have written a little more on this phenomena in a similar blog on the ‘Planets in Fall’ which I will post later this month. For the time being the example below may be helpful.
Imagine if you will a car driven by a content taxi driver who ferries people backwards and forwards to a beautiful destination. Lets pretend the taxi driver is the Sun on its self actualising route. The course is set, the bills paid, everything is balanced. In a crazy moment the Sun accepts a job with several unsavoury characters. There is a fallen Venus who is up for anything; cocky Jupiter strong in his own sign with unbridled self belief; and a fiery impulsive Mars who appears dangerous and unpredictable. Such an image gives us an idea of the types of scenarios that may meet our Sun on it’s path to the fulfilment of it’s own wishes. In other words the Sun can become compromised in it’s journey as most planets do. When that happens the path to fulfilment is disturbed.
As a note you may have picked up here that I believe the essential dignities of rulership, exaltation, detriment and fall are important in understanding the chart. I believe these are vital in getting a sense of the type of interaction that any planet is able to have with the other players in the chart. It alters where the players are going and what nature they use to get there. .

The Moon

In gambling the player feels that he actually needs to play the game. This is unlike the self-actualisation path of the Sun. This could also be thought of as a need, but that is about the satisfaction of the ego on a ladder of wish fulfilment. Moon needs are rather an emotional drive that have an impulse drive to be satiated. The moon is much more about nurture. The experience of a chocoholic might be a good analogy. The food has little if no nourishment but it’s soothes the soul with it’s rich delicious creaminess. Gambling has a strong nurturing element to it’s addictive appeal. Gamblers risk everything to regain power, but before any recognition of that moment as a crisis they have been addictively meeting a need that is subconscious, instinctive, fluctuating, and difficult to manage. These feelings and urges are unique to the quality of the moon if they produce an emotional intensity. The Moon is the planet of our subconscious emotions.


Mercury is an interesting planet in our understanding of Gambling. In Virgo we see that Mercury values order, and the way in which we can take control of extraneous conditions. That appears to be a good thing, but he other side of Mercury is the speed at which he moves may mean that he leaves little time for processing.
Mercury himself is know to be the trickster, the juggler. Pinching from Peter to give to Paul. Mercury handles, gives support to quick change, and helps us believe that we can out wit any dealer. In Gemini Mercury is all about options. In Virgo Mercury demonstrates the need for control. Thinking on your feet is part of Mercury’s charm, he wants buy-in, and leads us to think that we can produce the Philosopher-Stone once we have established the right path of alchemy, unfortunately what Mercury doesn’t necessarily realise is that we may risk loosing everything to it have it. Sadly many have done just that.


It doesn’t really take much to understand Venus’s role in gambling. A trip to a local casino and it’s not only the cards and machines that are luring the public – there’s women, dancing bars, glamour, lavish gifts, and expensive cars to ferry you door to door. Winning money is the keys Venus heaven and hell.
Turned on Venus has an insatiable appetite. Hard earned cash can be exchanged at the click of the fingers for the hearts desire. Money can buy anything, and Venus is there to show you how. What Venus forgets to tell those she entices is that if you can’t pay she probably lacks the resources to help you.
A wonderful film explaining Venus is the “Million Dollar Question”, a husband betts a night with his wife for a million dollars and sadly ruins his marriage in the process. That’s Venus in gambling for you. Everything that’s valuable on the turn of a card!


Energy and zeal is the vitalising thrust of Mars, giving individuals the drive to be gritty, determined, focused and champion the cause.
Gambling Mars takes centre stage in the down time. Powerful Mars loves to be lost in it’s own remarkable passion just as any other planet does. Racing, play-station, competing and out performing. Gaming and betting is the right place for Mars as he rubs shoulders, neck to neck, and crosses the finishing line with other combatants.
Mars is right there when the heart races; it’s we find ourselves pushing our horse forward by unbridled personal competitive energy. Lost in the excitement of Mars we place another bet, order another beer, and chat up the woman next to us. Gambling loves Mars and Mars loves Gambling.


Venus and Mars might be making out at the casino, but Saturn’s really worried. He’s clawing back the pennies and frightfully concerned about what he is going to tell the wife and kids. Saturn has you slaving for yesterdays fun. You might have been a gambler yesterday when you had your fun, now you pay for it. With gambling Saturn is only a few loses and bad bets away.
Saturn has the ability to make us sweat, s/he puts us in the cooker in an attempt to make us come to our senses and learn a few lessons. Every better has a date whith Saturn when they realise they can’t pay the bills any more and don’t know how to look the wife in the eye.
Ultimately a gambling problem is engaging with the side of Saturn that requires a long deep introspective analysis of how we are functioning in life.
Saturn always asks for us to be conscious. We may want to have fun, be racey, have big ideas, and enjoy, but Saturn is asking for something far more meditational. If your inward journey is frightening – Saturn is going to be frightening. It’s the way it is. The best way to deal with Saturn is on the meditation cushion.


A gambler is always looking for his lucky moment; a compulsive knows that his luck will arrive, surely, as he lays his next chip and asks for the next card.
At best Jupiter is a planet that helps us realise our dreams through tenacity, bringing us luck through the high ideals and philosophy that we have chosen to live by. Jupiter is a high minded planet concerned with creating value through the way we educate ourselves, and develop. In this way Jupiter is about good conditions that promote good luck.
The flip side of Jupiters high mind is that of Inflated ideas, lying to oneself, exaggeration and foolishness. These are also Jupiter themes.
Wishful thinking is the stuff of the compulsive betting addict who is unable to pay his debts and pull out of trouble.
Some gamblers have all the luck and sadly others do not. The question that Jupiter seems to asks is whether you have worked out your big ideas so you can benefit from the rewards. Having faith as a mustard seed! Two essential Jupitarian ideas are imbued in this sentence, the faith, and the process of growing.
Compulsive gamblers are down on their luck because they can’t get their values in place. Jupiter is rinsing them out and it’s a difficult lesson to learn. A luck roller coaster fuelled by the science of operant conditioning.


The seven personal planets all have a role to play in the way we understand addiction through the lens of astrology. As I have shown here each planet has certain symbolic attributes that relate to the nature and character of an impulsive gambler. If we apply this symbolic language we may begin to understand the relationship between addiction and astrology.
I would greatly welcome any personal insights that others may have on the subject of gambling and astrology as I have certainly failed to explore all the important elements that may be noteworthy. I am more than happy to hear the views of others. Please feel free to comment below.

About Me

My name is Tarlok Singh and I am an addiction’s therapist, psychiatric nurse, and astrologer. I am also experienced and qualified in many humanistic approaches to life’s challenges.
I offer a confidential therapeutic service for clients interested in a consultation about the subject matters raised in this blog or a variety of other topics. I have worked with clients in difficult circumstances since 1989 and there isn’t much I have not come across. So please do not be shy
The best way to contact me is by leaving a message below. I promise to contact everybody who writes. 
As well as face to face, consultations electronically by Skype of FaceTime can be arranged.
Best wishes 
Tarlok Singh
Addictions Astrologer.

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